Sharing Our Learning from Year 1

We are delighted to publish a report on our learning from the first year of this project. Read our Executive Summary, the full Year 1 Report or our Year 1 Policy Recommendations.

Sharing our learning is a key part of the project. We have produced this report to inform community groups, policy makers, other organisations and anyone else interested, how the work is progressing.

There is a lot of information in the report,  which we will be sharing at events, through blog posts and social media campaigns, and directly with key parties. Please do get in touch if you have questions.

Community Ownership Hub Year 1 Highlights

Community Groups

  • 64 Community Groups have been in touch about possible community land buy outs
  • The large majority of groups (46)  were at an early stage
  • 42 interested in privately owned land
  • Almost 2/3 of groups are in areas of multiple deprivation
  • Greenspace and community centres have been the most popular projects
  • Over half of the 31 sites we have researched with groups have been vacant or derelict, but only 3 of these are on the official register.


Reports Published

Emerging Policy Recommendations

Our research on making things easier and better for community land buys outs has identified the following recommendations for change.  They are explained in detail in the report and summarised here Year 1 Policy Recommendations

  1. We need to build interest into land buy outs
  2. Not another pilot: next steps in community-led resolution of Vacant and Derelict Land
  3. Innovative support for greenspace projects
  4. Establish clearer ownership routes from temporary management
  5. Establish a coherent policy framework for communities to be proactive over land
  6. Develop the land pillar of Community Wealth Building
  7. Inclusion review
  8. Review Land Fund Cap to account for urban markets
  9. Introduce Land Reform Act
Community Ownership Hub - 2 members of the public stop to appreciate a mural on Royston Road