Blog: Understanding Urban Community Landownership
A blog sharing learning from our urban action research project Scotland has a long history of community landownership. We are celebrating 100 years since the first buyout in Stornoway town, and Knoydart will be reflecting on 25 years of landownership

Blog: Transparency, Options to Develop Land and Community Empowerment: Time for Action
Community Land Scotland were asked to write a blog for the Scottish Land Commission on their research into transparency and legal options to development land ‘Transparency of Options Agreements’ (Diffley Partnership 2023). Our blog is reproduced below, or you can read

Blog: A Perspective on Community Ownership
Presented at “(Un)earthing new pathways for a justice transition: cultivating hope and food on contested terrains in Scotland, Amazon and the Arctic” Workshop, University of Strathclyde, in early 2022.

Blog: Land and Govan: Imagining What is Possible
This talk was given as part of the knowledge exchange project “(Un)earthing new pathways for a justice transition: cultivating hope and food on contested terrains in Scotland, Amazon and the Arctic”

Blog: Green Lairds and Urban Scotland
Scottish land markets are changing quickly due in part to global demand for low and zero carbon investments. Green Lairds are buying up large landholdings for “rewilding” and other carbon offset projects.

Blog: A Trip to Royston
Hub Development Officer, Heather, shares her experience of a trip to Royston to visit the Rebel Bear Mural.