Useful links
Information, Guidance, and Top Tips
There are a lot of different guidance and tips documents on different topics. Get in touch and we’ll provide the best information for your question. A few key resources are below.
Land Register for Ownership Information
Search the Land Register for Ownership Information. We appreciate this Register can be confusing– give us a ring if you have any questions!
Thinking about tackling a vacant or derelict site?
The Scottish Land Commission has a web tool to support community-led action on vacant and derelict land
Want more case studies?- check My Land
The Scottish Land Commission’s website has a wealth of case studies on different land uses and ownership approaches
As you move forward with your plans for ownership, it is important to involve everyone. Check our Tips to get ideas about how to do engagement more inclusively.
Myths and Tips on Community Right to Buy
Tips, myth-busting and glossary on Community Right to Buy.
Other organisations
Community Right to Buy Team
The Scottish Government has a team which specialises in Community Right to Buy. Community right to buy allows communities in Scotland to apply to register an interest in land and the opportunity to buy that land when it comes up for sale.
Scottish Land Fund
The Scottish Land Fund provides support for community groups to develop their projects (stage 1), as well as purchasing funds (Stage 2).
Scottish Land Commission
The Land Commission has a number of resources, including:
Development Trusts Association Scotland (DTAS)’s Community Ownership Support Service (COSS) provides support on community asset transfer from public bodies.
Planning Democracy is a community-led organisation campaigning to strengthen the voice and influence of the public in the planning and development of Scotland’s land. We aim to deepen democratic control and promote environmental justice. They have a peer to peer network for community organisations involved in planning.
Planning Aid Scotland (PAS)
Planning Aid Scotland (PAS) is a volunteer-led organisation that works with individuals and community organisations to get involved in planning and placemaking in an impartial, open and inclusive way. PAS provides guidance on planning matters, including a free advice service.
The Scottish Community Development Centre (SCDC)
The Scottish Community Development Centre (SCDC) is a source of support for engagement, capacity building, community led research, participation requests and so on. We also host the communities channel, another source of support for community organisations.
The Community Woodlands Association
The Community Woodlands Association is a representative body of community woodland associations, and provides support to existing and aspiring community woodland groups.
SURF is Scotland’s Regeneration Forum
They provide support to its members through sharing knowledge, experience and ideas. There are seminars, case studies and good practice toolkits.
Local Energy Scotland
Local Energy Scotland is a one-stop-shop for all your local energy needs. They provide free and impartial advice for local energy projects.