contractors pointing at roof

Blog: Understanding Urban Community Landownership

A blog sharing learning from our urban action research project Scotland has a long history of community landownership.  We are celebrating 100 years since the first buyout in Stornoway town, and Knoydart will be reflecting on 25 years of landownership

Learning from Local Place Plans

Sharing community experiences Communities have a new right to produce their own land use plans called “Local Place Plans”. Kinning Park Complex and Wester Hailes Community Trust completed some of the first Local Place Plans in 2022. While there are guides on preparing a

Research on Diverse Groups and Community Ownership

We have commissioned Community Enterprise to carry out research on experiences of people from ethnic minority backgrounds in community ownership of buildings and land.  Please complete the survey using the link below,  and get in touch if you have any questions.  Research

Call for Action on the Land Reform Bill 2023

We have concerns that, as it stands, the Land Reform Bill will fail to deliver any of its proposed outcomes and will not match the ambitious language of party election manifestos. We set out the four core issues which need

Members Report 2022

We have written up a summary of our work in our 2022 Members’ Report. We hope explains the scope of our work and inspires readers for future years!

Community Ownership Hub - 2 members of the public stop to appreciate a mural on Royston Road

Sharing Our Learning from Year 1

Sharing our learning is a key part of the project. We have produced this report to inform community groups, policy makers, other organisations and anyone else interested, how the work is progressing.