Upcoming Events in 2022

At the Urban Gathering 2022, the most popular feedback points from attendees was the value of getting everyone together in person.  We want to build on that by organising more events,  soon!

You can register your interest using the form below. We’ll get in touch when details firm up!

We are open to site visit suggestions as well as other events you feel are important. Please include these in the comments section below.
We hold your email name and address in order to get in touch with you about the events listed above. The Community Ownership Hub: Glasgow and the Clyde Valley is an Action research Project of Community Land Scotland. We hold records of groups in touch with us in accordance with the GDPR regulations and good practice social research methodology. You are able to opt out of Data collection consent at any time.
Community Ownership Hub - A group of people in a large room watch three women talking on a stage